SorbSecurity Support Services Program

Last Modified Date: August 1, 2022

Overview: The support services described herein are provided by SorbSecurity to each SorbSecurity customer(“Customer”) pursuant to the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement (“Agreement”) between each customer and SorbSecurity or between a customer and an authorized SorbSecurity partner. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement. Subject to customer paying the applicable support related fees, SorbSecurity will provide the support described herein.

1. Software and Documentation Updates.Regardless of support level purchased by Customer, SorbSecurity shall provide to Customer one (1) electronic copy of all updated revisions to the Documentation and one (1) electronic copy of generally released bug fixes, maintenance releases and updates of the Software (collectively, “Updates”). Updates do not include products or options that are designated by SorbSecurity as new products or options for which SorbSecurity charges a separate fee. Software releases are supported for the current and prior release that are designated by a change to the right of the decimal point(e.g., 1.1 to 1.2) or as stated in the support schedule posted on SorbSecurity’s Support Portal. Prior to discontinuing support services for any Software product line, SorbSecurity shall provide at least six (6) months advance notice on its support website.

1.1 Support Service Levels. SorbSecurity offers three support levels: Self-Service Support, Premium
Support, and Platinum Support.

1.1.1 Self-Service Support. For Self-Service Support, Customer shall receive two (2) Authorized
Support Contacts. Phone support is available only for Priority 1 program issues (described in Section 2.1
below) and only during SorbSecurity business hours. For all other program issue priority levels SorbSecurity shall use commercially reasonable efforts to correct and/or provide a workaround for any issue reported by Customer in the current unmodified release of the Software in accordance with the priority level reasonably assigned to such issue by Customer. 24×7 support is not available for Self-Service Support customers.

1.1.2 Premium Support. In addition to Self-Service Support, for an additional charge, Customer shall
receive (i) assistance for Priority I issues, as reasonably determined by SorbSecurity, 24×7, 365 days per year and (ii) access to support. Handling of non-Priority I issues will take place during the support hours specified in Section 1.2.

1.1.3 Platinum Support. In addition to Self-Service Support and Platinum Support, as defined above,
for an additional charge, Customer shall receive (i) access to support phone lines and (ii) SorbSecurity will assign a designated Technical Account Manager to Customer’s account.

1.2 Support Requests and Authorized Support Contacts. Technical support is available during the
technical support hours for the primary support center specified on the Product Order Form. Technical
support hours for the World Wide are Monday through Friday, 9:00 SGT to 18:00 SGT the following day during standard time and excluding SorbSecurity holidays. Customer may initiate electronic support requests through SorbSecurity’s email at any time. Customer will promptly identify two internal resources who are knowledgeable about Customer’s operating environment and operation of the SorbSecurity Products (collectively, “Authorized Support Contacts”). Authorized Support Contacts will serve as primary contacts between Customer and SorbSecurity and are the only persons authorized to interact with SorbSecurity Technical Support to submit and track cases. All support requests will be tracked in the SorbSecurity portal and Customer can view the status of Customer’s cases on the SorbSecurity portal at any time.

1.3 Authorized Support Contact Training. It is highly recommended that Authorized support contacts
take the authorized support contact training available in SorbSecurity’s training platform! This training
covers best practices for working with SorbSecurity support, including how to create a support ticket, troubleshooting best practices.

2. Priority Levels of Issues and Targeted Responses
In the performance of support services, SorbSecurity will apply the following priority ratings and targeted response times to Premium Support and Platinum Support.

2.1 Priority ONE Issues
A “Priority I Issue” means a Software program issue which both (i) prevents some critical function or process from substantially meeting the Documentation and (ii) seriously degrades the overall performance of such function or process such that no useful work can be done and/or some primary major function of the Software or Virtual Appliance is disabled. Priority I Issues shall receive an initial response within one (1) hour (during standard support hours referenced above), of the case being submitted to SorbSecurity. In addressing a Priority I Issue, SorbSecurity shall use all reasonable efforts to develop a suitable workaround, patch, or other temporary correction to restore operation as soon as possible. SorbSecurity efforts to resolve a Priority 1 Issue will include the following: (1) assigning one or more senior SorbSecurity engineers on a dedicated basis to develop suitable workaround, patch, or other temporary correction; (2) notifying senior SorbSecurity management that such P1 Issue has been reported; (3) providing Customer with periodic reports on the status of corrections; and (4) providing a final solution to Customer as soon as it is available.

2.2 Priority TWO Issues
A “Priority II Issue” means a Software program issue which both (i) degrades some critical function or
process from substantially meeting the Documentation and (ii) degrades the overall performance of such function or process such that useful work is hindered and/or some major function of the Software or Virtual Appliance is not operating as expected but can be worked- around. Priority II Issues shall receive an initial response within four (4) hours (during standard support hours referenced above). SorbSecurity shall use all reasonable efforts to provide a workaround, patch, or other temporary correction as soon as possible.

2.3 Priority THREE Issues. Description: A “Priority III Issue” means a Software program issue which both (i)
prevents some non-essential function or process from substantially meeting the Documentation and (ii)
significantly degrades the overall performance of the Software or Virtual Appliance. Priority III Issues shall receive an initial response within eight (8) hours (during standard support hours referenced above). SorbSecurity shall use all reasonable efforts to provide a workaround, patch, or other temporary correction as soon as possible.

2.4 Priority FOUR Issues
A “Priority IV Issue” means a Software program issue which prevents some function or process from
substantially meeting the Documentation but does not significantly degrade the overall performance of the Software or Virtual Appliance. Priority IV Issues shall receive an initial response within sixteen (16) hours (during standard Support hours referenced above). SorbSecurity shall use all reasonable efforts to include a workaround, patch, or other temporary correction in the next Software update

3. Customer Cooperation and SorbSecurity’s License.

3.1 Customer Cooperation. SorbSecurity’s obligation to provide support services is conditioned upon the following: (i) Customer’s reasonable effort to resolve the problem after communication with SorbSecurity; (ii) Customer’s provision to SorbSecurity of sufficient information and resources to correct the problem, including, without limitation, remote access as further discussed in these policies, (iii) Customer’s prompt installation of all Software maintenance releases, bug fixes and/or work-around supplied by SorbSecurity, and (iv) Customer’s procurement and installation and maintenance of all hardware necessary to operate the Software. As related to Priority I Issues, Customer shall provide continuous access to appropriate Customer personnel and the Virtual Appliance (if applicable) during SorbSecurity’s response related to the Priority I Issue or SorbSecurity shall be permitted to change the Priority of the issue.

3.2 SorbSecurity’s License. During the term of the support services and for purposes relating to providing support to Customer, SorbSecurity may obtain information regarding Customer’s e-mail communications, and Customer agrees that SorbSecurity may use any statistical data generated relating to Customer’s e-mail.

Customer hereby grants to SorbSecurity and its service providers a worldwide, limited term license to collect and process certain Customer Confidential Information, Customer Data and Personal Data for: (a) abuse and threat awareness, detection and prevention, (b) compliance, and (c) security purposes in accordance with the Agreement. Customer acknowledges and agrees that development of Threat Analytics from SorbSecurity’s ecosystem is critical to the functionality of the SorbSecurity Products. Customer hereby grants a worldwide license to SorbSecurity to collect Threat Analytics during the Term of the Agreement. Further, Customer hereby grants a worldwide license to SorbSecurity to use Threat Analytics to maintain, improve and enhance SorbSecurity services; provided that if Customer provides written legal notice to SorbSecurity on or after expiration or termination of the applicable SorbSecurity Services instructing SorbSecurity to delete any Personal Data included in Threat Intel it will be deleted within 18 months of such notice. Notwithstanding the foregoing, SorbSecurity shall not disclose the source and content of any such e-mail. This Section 3.2 survives termination and expiration of the Agreement.

4. Reproducing Problems; Remote Access.
Subject to the applicable support services fees, support services assistance is limited to Software on
platforms that are fully supported, running unaltered on the proper hardware configuration. Where
applicable for a reported issue, SorbSecurity will use commercially reasonable efforts to reproduce the problem so that the results can be analyzed. SorbSecurity’s obligation to provide the support services described herein, including without limitation meeting the response times set forth in Section 2 above, is subject to Customer providing shell or Web-based remote access to Customer’s computer system(s) and network. Any such remote access by SorbSecurity shall be subject to SorbSecurity’s compliance with Customer’s security and antivirus procedures and the confidentiality requirements set forth in the license agreement between SorbSecurity and Customer. Any delay occasioned by Customer’s failure to provide the foregoing remote access shall extend the response time periods set forth in Section 2 accordingly and resolution of the problem may be subject to payment of additional fees. Prior to proceeding with work that will be subject to additional fees, SorbSecurity will notify Customer and will not start such work until SorbSecurity receives authorization from Customer. If Customer fails to provide remote access to its computer system(s) and network and SorbSecurity and SorbSecurity and Customer cannot agree on a mutually satisfactory alternative method of reproducing the problem, SorbSecurity shall not be obligated to resolve the problem.

5. Support Services Conditions.

5.1 Support Issues Not Attributable to SorbSecurity. SorbSecurity is not obligated to provide support
services for problems related to: (i) unauthorized modifications and/or alterations of the Software, (ii)
improper installation of the Software by non-SorbSecurity personnel, use of the Software on a platform or hardware configuration other than those specified in the Documentation or in manner not specified in the Documentation, or (iii) problems caused by the Customer’s negligence, hardware malfunction, or third-party software. In the event SorbSecurity provides support services for problems caused by any of the above, Customer will reimburse SorbSecurity for such services at the then-current time and materials rate. SorbSecurity shall be entitled to discontinue support services in the event of Customer’s non-payment of Subscription Fees when due.

5.2 Exclusions from Support services.
The following items are excluded from support services:
(a) In-depth training. If the support request is deemed to be training in nature, and will require an extended amount of time, Customer will be referred to SorbSecurity’s training or consulting departments.
(b) Assistance in the customization of the application. Support services do not include providing assistance in developing, debugging, testing or any other application customization
(c) Information and assistance on third party products. Issues related to the installation, administration,
and use of enabling technologies such as databases, computer networks, and communications (except an Virtual Appliance) are not provided under SorbSecurity support services.
(d) Assistance in the identification of defects in user environment. If SorbSecurity concludes that a problem being reported by a Customer is due to defects in Customer’s environment, SorbSecurity will notify the Customer. Additional support by SorbSecurity personnel to remedy performance issues due to the user environment are categorized as consulting services, which are provided for an additional fee.
(e). Installation. Support Services provided herein do not include the use of SorbSecurity support services resources to perform installation of updates or Customer-specific fixes. If Customer wishes to have SorbSecurity perform services related to any of the above items, such services will be performed pursuant to a mutually executed SOW.